Put the Cloud to Work to Protect & Grow Your Business

Cloud Services, our customers can take advantage of cloud computing and so much more, to both protect and grow their business. It represents an exceptional value that would be costly and difficult to replicate in your own onsite environment.

What Is McLeod Software Cloud Services?

Due to the modern system architecture upon which McLeod’s applications are built, our customers can either purchase or lease their own servers, and run those applications locally on-premise, or run the entire system remotely from a remote set of servers managed and provided by our Cloud Services team.

McLeod Software Cloud Services delivers the cloud computing infrastructure needed to support the delivery of the McLeod product suite. This consists of servers, storage, network, operating systems, and database as an on- demand service offered in a cloud-based solution.

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  • Seamless IT management of McLeod Software’s products and Microsoft’s Server products, allowing any IT staff to be more strategic thinking instead of operations-oriented
  • Automatically scales to meet company needs
  • Provides more economical and stress-free IT infrastructure solutions
  • Provides high value services, such as system resource allocation, security, and backups, which might otherwise be too expensive
  • Continues to provide “private” customizable (not multi-tenant) instances per customer
  • Accessible any time, any place

What’s Provided

  • Fault-tolerant power and communications facilities
  • Computing power and networking
  • User ID management, permissions, and security
  • Operating system and database licensing
  • VPN access with AES256 encryption
  • Data isolation (private database)
  • Operating system and database administration
  • Regular maintenance and upgrades to operating systems and databases
  • Mileage interface administration (PC*Miler or Rand McNally)
  • EDI connectivity
  • Network monitoring and administration
  • Backup services
  • Equipment failure detection
  • Printing capabilities to any Windows printer

Why McLeod Software Cloud Services?

Remote cloud-based application hosting offers a level of reliability, system availability, and disaster recovery that few companies can afford to build on their own. For constant, precision protection of the systems that run your crucial day-to-day business functions, this incremental cost is something companies see as a common-sense investment for risk mitigation and peace of mind.

What Does It Cost, and How Do I Get Started?

The good news about cloud-based management is that the costs associated with this approach are becoming more affordable all the time. To learn more about requirements, and to get a quote for McLeod Software Cloud Services, please contact your McLeod Software Sales Representative at 1-877-362-5363.

Remote Hosting Services

For our customers who would like to take advantage of McLeod Software’s ability to remotely host and support our applications on a secure, reliable, cloud-based infrastructure, we offer remote hosting services via our cloud environment.


While no system anywhere can remain completely invulnerable to attack, your McLeod Software Cloud Services system will be protected through multiple layers of security designed to prevent known methods of attacking corporate systems.


Working with our facilities provider, we quickly allow customers to scale and respond to their changing demands, without the long-time delays associated with ordering, installing, and commissioning new hardware at their own facility. This reduces upgrade time or expansion projects for your McLeod system to only a few days at our hosted environment, rather than weeks for the same upgrade in an on-premise environment.

Reliability and Performance

The architecture of the Cloud Services platform allows us to deliver a higher level of both performance and reliability than customer on-premise installations.


McLeod utilizes backup and recovery software which features the ability to restore a failed server within minutes, with the option of providing redundant servers between data centers. On a nightly basis, we also backup your database and application locally and vaulted offsite, in addition to backing up all servers at the file level. Transaction logs are built and exported offsite each hour.

Our Service Level Agreement (SLA) provides for a one-hour recovery period, or less, for any sort of physical hardware failure in the server. The hosted facility has repair people on site 24/7 and a large inventory of spare parts to support this promise.

Customers with a core business continuity plan can request McLeod’s Incident Response plan. The IR plan can then be used as a supplement to the main plan.

Our team is available 24/7 to help you execute a data recovery, system issues, and support request, if needed.

Expert Services

The Cloud Services team knows your system better than anyone. In addition to all of the security monitoring provided by our 24/7 Security Operations Center, and the system performance benchmarking and monitoring we do, our team of McLeod experts will provide systems and database administration for your server.

Our McLeod teams assist in keeping your Loadmaster and Powerbroker applications up to date, in line with regular maintenance windows for the utmost application experience.

For most customers, this set of systems administration services eliminates the need to hire an outside IT contractor or extra staff member to be your local systems administrator. The McLeod team does all of that work as part of your standard hosting service.

Cloud Services Premium

Cloud Services Premium is a group of services offered in addition to McLeod’s Cloud Services platform.


  • Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS)
  • Advanced Database Failover
  • Data Encryption
  • Private Cloud Network
  • Multifactor Authentication
  • Single Sign-On (SSO)
  • Annual Security Testing Reports
  • Dedicated Monthly Maintenance Window
  • Customer User Management Portal
  • Unlimited VPN Client Access
  • Customer Success Manager and Support Number

Contact McLeod Software Today